Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Something Doctrine

Apparently it's not only us bastardly free-marketeers who try to take advantage of a crisis:

“Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” [Obama's Chief of Staff] Mr. Emanuel said in an interview on Sunday. “They are opportunities to do big things.”

Maybe Naomi Klein will add a chapter to the next edition of her book. But I doubt it.


Mtn Goat said...

Well, one alternative take on this is that the current group of dastardly *gasp* liberals might actually use the current crises (there are several) to do some things right for a change instead of following the past group's practice of trying to screw everyone except their buddies. I wouldn't call the outgoing crew "free-marketeers" - they were just incompetent, dangerous boobs.

Scott McC said...

I wouldn't call them that, either - but Klein certainly thinks anyone with a free-market ideology is guilty of association...even though the Bush team had nothing to do with free markets at all.

Obviously, you're point about "doing things right" is a matter of opinion (which I do happen to agree with, at least to a degree). And I think we should all be extremely cautious about saying some broad powers are "ok" just because they are concentrated in the side you happen to support. If you don't want people you DON'T support to have those powers, then don't support it when your people are in control.

The biggest problem is people looking the other way when "their guy" happens to do something that would cause their blood to boil if the other side did the same thing. Like, for example, Obama's mention of the creation of a Civilian National Security Force. If Bush had said that, every liberal would have been making brownshirt references.

Mtn Goat said...

Yup - fair anough. I've always been pleased when someone I don't like manages to do something I like. Usually surprised, too.

I hadn't heard about yet another "Security Force" - how many does the USA think it needs to make it safe?