Wednesday, December 10, 2008

That's Quite a Substantial Cost of Living Allowance

Correction from the previous post: Sabathia's deal is worth more than $160 million (over 7 years). Which means the Yankees offered him $60 million more than the other offer on the table, which was the Brewers $100 million contract. That might seem like a pretty big premium to put up with the ridiculous New York sports media and deeply ingrained Yankees mythology....but having seen what that's like, I don't know if it's worth it. Especially considering the low marginal value of a dollar when you're making $20 million-plus per year. But I don't think the players union would have let him reject such a lucrative deal. Which raises all sorts of philosophical questions about how well unions represent the best interests of their members (and the question of competitive balance in baseball), but we'll leave those for another time.


The Clothesline said...

I hope so few people can afford to attend big sporting events during the "depression" that the big salaries actually can't get paid! That will be progress.

Scott McC said...

There is actually some discussion of this going around - corporations cutting their box seats, etc. Some of the thousand dollar seats might be empty this season (but I doubt it, given that the Yankees are moving to a new stadium).

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...


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