Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Worry Meter is Creeping Higher

Maybe it's too early to be passing judgements, but thus far my impression of Obama's new Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is not at all good. Here he is responding to former AG Anthony Gonzalez discussing the differences between the war on terror and the drug war (who incidentally, basically admits that the drug war is unwinnable!):

From the United States' most senior law enforcement official, the man who should be leading the war on drugs, this white flag of surrender will not be reassuring to the millions of parents trying to protect their kids.

The thought of putting someone in the West Wing with a worse approach to the unjustified, destructive, and idiotic "war on drugs" than the current administration is bad enough. But his ability to brush aside concerns about civil liberties is even more troubling, as I think we've all had quite enough excess in that regard from the occupants of the White House.

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