Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Budgeting For Dummies

Let's say you have a montly budget of $3,500. Do you think you'd be able to cut your expenses by about $130 bucks each month without severely impacting your lifestyle? I bet you could. The Federal government, however, is unable to accomplish such a task. If they could, maybe they could find a way to cut $130 billion from a $3-4 trillion budget... which if they kept it up could balance the budget in 10 years.

On a related note, I for one am extremely pleased that my taxes won't be going up next month (and the year-long reduction in payroll taxes is nice, too!).

1 comment:

The Clothesline said...

You are right, Scott - you could cut your budget by $130/month and not have to sacrifice much more than a dinner out or a couple of weekends without liquor. I'm not sure if truly poor people could cut ANYTHING from their budget without it really hurting them. But, yes, I agree that the Feds could do it.