Thursday, November 13, 2008

Life Imitates The Simpsons

Prepare to be outraged. If you're a criminal in Canada, you don't have to serve time if you're morbidly obese.* A guy in prison in Quebec was given early parole because, basically, prison was too hard for him and his 400-plus pound body. He's also filed a complaint with Canada's Thought Police, the Quebec Human Rights Commission. I've been awake for 20 minutes, and this is definitely the stupidest thing I've heard today.

* The obvious caveat applies that he was in jail for drug trafficking so I don't actually think he did anything illegal, anyway. But this is still a dangerous and silly precedent.


Mtn Goat said...

Well geez - if they put inmates out on the rockpile breaking stones and building roadways the way they used to in the Good Old Days, people like this would lose weight. Problem solved.

Scott McC said...

Yeah, exactly. They couldn't have just BOUGHT A BIGGER BED?

Mtn Goat said...

This story is making the rounds. Here is the intro to today's The Current on CBC Radio:

"It's Friday, November 14th.

A Montreal inmate weighing more than 200 kilos has earned an early release because he is too obese to be properly cared for behind bars.

Currently, prison cafeterias across the country are reporting dramatic increases in second and third helpings.

This is The Current."

Scott McC said...

What's a kilo?